Paternity For Life
Servicing World Wide - 1300 172 837 Australia

Aunt and Uncle DNA Test

An Aunt and Uncle DNA Test can be used to determine the probability of the existence of a biological relationship between Aunts and Uncles and their Nieces and/or Nephews

How does it work?

Once we receive your application and payment, DNAQ will mail a collection kit to your nominated address(es). The kit will contain everything you need to collect the samples, along with clear instructions on how to do so.

For non-legal tests, samples can be collected by the tested individuals themselves, from at home. We use mouth swabs for an easy and painless collection process, by simply rubbing the swab on the inside of your cheek and pressing the swab onto the included Pink DNA preservation card.

Once you have collected your samples and completed the included paperwork, please return them to the laboratory in the supplied return postage envelope. As soon as we have received all samples for the case, we promptly begin processing. We endeavour to have results available within 5 working days from receipt of sample at the laboratory.

What if the other party is not located in Australia?

We can arrange for our DNA kits to be sent internationally, please contact us on 1300 172 837 and we can provide you with a quote for overseas courier. If it is an Australian Immigration case, the DNA collection kit will be sent to the closest Embassy or Consulate, for more information please visit our Immigration Testing page.

Legal Aunt & Uncle DNA Testing

For a Legal Aunt & Uncle DNA Test, we will mail a sealed collection kit to all parties being tested. Each person being tested will need to provide Government-issued ID and 2 recent passport style photos. The samples must also be collected by a third party, such as a doctor or pathology nurse. Read more about our Legal DNA Collection process here.

Please note, the results from extended relationship testing, such as an Aunt & Uncle DNA Test are not currently accepted by Births, Deaths and Marriages as sufficient evidence for changes to birth certificates.

How will I receive my results?

Each person tested is legally entitled to a copy of their results, and as such may receive a copy. Results will only be sent to the parties being tested (or their legal guardian), to the email addresses provided at time of sample collection. A hard copy of your results can also be arranged for an additional fee.Please note, results will not be given over the phone.

Understanding Your Results

Unlike Paternity or Maternity DNA testing, Extended Relationship DNA Testing cannot give a conclusive result of whether a relationship exists between the persons being tested. This is because Extended Relationship tests involve comparing less direct relationships than that of a parent and child. A child will inherit 50% of their DNA from each parent, allowing for a conclusive result to be given in the case of Paternity or Maternity. Siblings will share a lower percentage of DNA.

Instead, the results will show the likelihood of a relationship between the tested persons based on the amount of common DNA.

  • A likelihood ratio less than 1 – a relationship is unlikely to exist.
  • A likelihood ratio greater than 1 – It is likely that a relationship exists. The greater the number above one, the greater the likelihood the persons tested are related.

If you are unsure of the DNA test you need, please contact us to discuss your particular case. We can help determine which test would be best suited for you based on what it is you are looking to confirm through DNA testing and what the alleged relationship is between the persons to be tested.

DNAQ advises that the results may be inconclusive for an Extended Relationship DNA test. This is not due to laboratory error, but as explained above, due to the difficulty in comparing individuals in extended relationships.

Please note: No testing costs will be refunded in the case of inconclusive results.


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